Digital Campaigns


Digital marketing is just super hot right now. Brands are starting to make their way in cyberspace because obviously, their consumers are going there as well. Marketers want their brands to be always visible in the lives of their target market in the hopes of translating that presence into market share.

Simply put, it’s a mortal sin not to be present in these digital devices as it may contribute to making your brands the top-of-mind and top purchase choice when it’s time for them to finally buy one.

I’ve done quite a handful of digital marketing myself, mostly surrounding social media as it is the most popular digital channel in the Philippines. Here are some of the projects I have worked on:

Lysol x Team Kramer Digital Partnership (2015)

Philippines, Facebook


Lysol, being a family brand, partnered with the first family of Philippine social media — Team Kramer. The followers of Team Kramer is the exact target market of Lysol. By partnering with them, we were instantly able to make them aware of the brand, especially the new products. Communication methods utilized were online videos and photo posts, most of which garnered more than a million views.

Lysology Class with Teacher Kendra

Cooking with Team Kramer

Lysol Liquid Hand Soap – 2014 Global Handwashing Day


In partnership with Lysol’s global brand team, I rolled out a Global Handwashing Day campaign in the Philippines to spread awareness and educate Filipinos about the importance of handwashing. Originally, the plan was to have a full 360-campaign for this event. Despite the limited budget as well as the time constraint, the program was still able to rack up views and engagements.