3rd Most Viewed Writer

I never thought this would happen, but in a span of only ~3 days, I’ve become the 3rd most viewed writer on Quora about Independent Music!!!!!


Apologies if I’m e-screaming like a child here, but I still cannot believe it! My boyfriend just told me to check it out because it’d be great way for me to learn more and share my knowledge on the topics I’m passionate about. True enough, it has helped me big time. I get to interact with people who share the same thirst for music and marketing  as me. While at the same time, it is also good way to validate if my knowledge about these stuff actually make sense and good enough to serve as tips/tricks for people who know little about my field.

This is just a start for me. My next step would be more on networking. I hope this will enable me to finally realize my dream of teaching and helping indie musicians become more business-minded on their own. Crossing my fingers (and toes, even)!

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Fatima Espineda

A brand manager by day, a business student by night, and a music lover forever and ever. My day job fuels my passion for business, marketing, and advertising. As a bonus, it also pays for my insatiable thirst to discover and experience good music. As corny and cliché as it may sound, I believe music is the ultimate escape from reality. In my case, it's my way of keeping my creative juices flowing. It fuels my imagination, gives colour to my life, and keeps me in touch with my emotions -- all of which, I believe, are important for me to become a better marketer. This will be my own online space where I will share the things I care about -- brands and bands.

One thought on “3rd Most Viewed Writer”

  1. Hi Fatima, congratulations!! I’m a big fan of Quora and I beileve it’s one of the most yet-underrated places to grow a following and a reputation.

    As for networking, do you know Derek Sivers? He’s an entrepreneur who used to be a professional musician. He started CD Baby, which eventually became the largest independent music seller online (eventually sold for $22 million).

    He’s very open to people emailing him for advice. Very much worth looking into connecting with. More about him and his contact details: https://sivers.org/


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